Pediatric Therapy clinics located in Camp Hill, PA and Mechanicsburg, PA
We provide Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy for Children and Adolescents.
Our therapists are now available to face-to-face therapy or teletherapy at this time. To get started, fill out the online intake form.
Growing In Motion, LLC provides skilled pediatric occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy services for children of all ages in central PA. We have one therapy clinic in Camp Hill and another one in Mechanicburg. At these locations, we serve families from south-central Pennsylvania across towns in Dauphin, York, and Cumberland Counties including Hershey, Harrisburg, Elizabethtown, Mechanicsburg, Dillsburg, and Carlisle.
We are an in-network provider with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Capital Blue, Highmark, Tricare, and UPMC.
The occupational, physical, and speech therapy team at Growing in Motion, LLC are a dedicated group of professionals who are here to provide excellent therapy. We are committed lifelong learners so that we can provide the BEST possible therapy we can to the children we see. We have specialized training in sensory integration therapy, motor planning, Handwriting without Tears®, Astronaut training, reflex integration, the auditory therapy Tomatis®, and the DIR/Floortime® play therapy model. While we address many areas, we consider the social-emotional development of children to be paramount. Our clinicians are skilled play therapists who work hard to engage and challenge children in a fun and creative ways.
We provide occupational, physical, and speech treatment for the following diagnoses:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD)
Auditory Processing Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Brain Injury
Cerebal Palsy
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
Down Syndrome
Feeding Challenges and Picky Eater
High tone
Language Delays and Disorders
Learning Disability
Low tone
Oral Motor Challenges
Receptive and Expressive Language
Sensory Processing Disorder
Pediatric Occupational Therapy may look like play but it is much more than that!
Our Mission
Growing in Motion is here to respect and honor children and help them overcome challenges
Our Process
It’s a 1, 2, 3 process to get started! We can help you understand more about how we can help your child
Play Therapy
The DIR/Floortime® Model addresses the social-emotional capacities of children
Meeting the child at their developmental level, considering the individual differences, the use of affect to engage, and focusing on relationships are components of the framework that make the DIR model so effective.

Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory Integration is a therapy approach aimed at helping children overcome sensory challenges. Difficulties in sensory processing can impair a child’s ability to connect socially, complete motor tasks, and learn in a classroom.