Sound Therapy
Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a French Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor founded the Tomatis method over 60 years ago. The Tomatis® Method is a natural, non-invasive approach to neurosensory stimulation. Its listening programs change the music and voice in real time in order to capture the brain’s attention and to develop motor, emotional and cognitive skills.
Areas of Application
Emotional Regulation
Learning Challenges
Motor Skills
Sensory Processing
How Tomatis® works
Programming of Tomatis® programs is based on the individual needs of the person. Tomatis® uses various music including Mozart and Gregorian chant music. This music is modulated to certain frequencies to work on certain parts of the brain. Using an electronic gating method, the frequency of the music will suddenly change. This change surprises the listener and make them attend. As the music continues to move back and forth from high and low frequencies, the brain is stimulated. The music is delivered through air conduction (hearing with our ears) and through bone conduction (hearing with our bodies). This method helps our bodies more correctly analyze sounds we hear in the environment. Individuals may also complete active work where they complete vocal games by talking into a microphone. More information about the science and technology behind Tomatis® therapy can be found at their website
Tomatis® intensives
Tomatis® therapy is completed in “intensives.” Intensives involve 14 days of listening to the Tomatis® music through headphones for 40, 60, or 80 minutes depending on the age of the individual. The second intensive will begin one month after the first is complete. The third intensive will start 6-8 weeks after the second is complete. This therapy can occur at home, at the clinic, or a combination of the two.
How important is it to analyze sound efficiently?
Consider the space you are in now. You are able to tell the spatial relationships of people and objects in your environment by the sounds you hear. Understanding the spatial relationships of people and objects around you is important for you to feel safe and secure. You are probably not paying attention to many of the sounds around you. The air conditioner or heater may have clicked on, but you have habituated to that sound are no longer attending to it. Some children are challenged with these skills. Knowing what to listen to in your environment is essential for attention, learning, and communication.
“The voice contains only the sounds that the ear hears”
Content on the Tomatis® Method was taken from Tomatis® training courses and the Tomatis® website with permission. Growing in Motion, LLC is duly licensed by TOMATIS DEVELOPPEMENT S.A. which is the owner of TOMATIS, TOMATIS +LOGO, SOLISTEN, TALKSUP Trademarks
The TOMATIS® Method is an Educational Program, and is considered neither a medical treatment nor a means to establish a medical diagnosis. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. It should be neither considered as nor substitute for medical advice.